2015年7月5日 星期日

TISJA在哪裡呢? Where is the location of TISJA? (內含報到時間 Registration Time also noted)

TISJA在哪裡呢? Where is the location of TISJA?


If you came by plane, please come to Taipei City by bus or train or taxi after you arrive at Taoyuan Airport, then look for the Metro Line, the same if you arrive at the Songshan Airport


USC is at the Dazhi Station, Exit 1


The Camp is at "F" Music Building, please walk in, and we will help you to register and store luggages. From 09:00AM we start the registration already, and the Orientation starts at 10:00AM


即便你不住宿,但因每晚Jam Session活動經常會超過11點,停車場將關閉,車子無法開出去,加上一天下來費用可觀,建議仍於附近找空位停即可
